Guidelines For those neighbors that have been approached about using their homes for filming, we are providing the following guidelines. Please click here to download the guidelines as a PDF.
Residents that host filming in the neighborhood at their property should do their part to be “good neighbors.” For each project, the resident should contact the HBNA Film Committee Chairman with the following information so HBNA is prepared to support your permit:
Name of Production Company
Date and Times of Filming
Description of Filming Activities
Local Production Contact Number
Neighbors’ concerns should be properly addressed to ensure the shoot goes smoothly and is a positive experience for everyone involved.
Every effort should be made to ensure that production company members do not disturb your neighbors, especially if filming requires preparation days involving construction to “dress” your property prior to actual shoot days.
Reach out to your neighbors and personally notify them that filming will be taking place at your property.
Discuss the company’s parking plans prior to the shoot and convey any concerns voiced by your neighbors. This will avoid problems like blocked access to driveways or streets that can cause ill will between your neighbors and you.
Hosting filming frequently can take a toll on your neighbors who may not receive the direct financial benefits that you enjoy. The HBNA recommends the Production Company donate $1000 per day to the HBNA for beautification and other neighborhood improvements.
Personal vehicles of cast/crew are not permitted to park on area streets. The production company must arrange off-site parking, and cast/crew must be shuttled to and from the location.
Parking of production equipment is limited to one side of the street. Film company vehicles shall not interfere with school bus transportation, the gardeners’’ activities, trash pick-up, Mail delivery and safe use of the streets or access to resident driveways, unless approved by the affected residents in writing. If the Production Company requires the closing of a street within the neighborhood, the HBNA must be notified thirty (30) days in advance of the road closure to ensure proper communication with all HBNA neighbors, regardless of whether the filming permit application has been submitted.
When filming occurs at night, excessive bright lights and noise may disturb your neighbors. Prior to filming, be certain to discuss such activities with your neighbors who may be adversely impacted and make sure that production company addresses their concerns. Additionally, we recommend the production company compensate or relocate your neighbors most impacted.
The standard approved filming hours are 7:00am to 10:00pm, Monday to Friday. An extension of the standard filming hours may require that affected residents be surveyed to identify neighborhood concerns and the approved date, hours, and activities must be specifically indicated on the permit.
Littering is not tolerated and proper litter disposal needs to be clearly addressed. Further, we suggest your contract include either a No Smoking or designated smoking location. The designated smoking location must be on your property, clearly marked, and have the proper receptacles for all smoking products.
HBNA Filming Committee asks the production companies using our neighborhood to offer our neighbors “Extra” opportunities, if available.